Tooth-Colored Fillings

At Oak Street Dental North Aurora, we believe that the overall health & peace of mind of our patients always comes first. Accordingly, at our office we have elected only to use new & advanced tooth fillings made of tooth-colored materials. We are able to offer you subtle, flattering options for fillings. Our tooth-colored or white tooth fillings are essentially indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Tooth-colored material is made of durable composite, resin or porcelain & can be used both as fillings & to repair defects in the teeth. Tooth-colored fillings are often used on the front teeth where a natural appearance is important. They can be used on the back teeth as well, depending on the location & extent of the tooth decay.

While our biggest concern is the health & function of your teeth, we are proud to offer tooth filling options that do not affect the aesthetics of your smile.

Care & Maintenance

Post-Operative Instructions for A Composite Filling

This video shows you what to expect after composite filling, as well as how to care for them.


Composite Filling (Anterior)

This video shows you how a composite filling can be used to restore a damaged front tooth to its natural strength and appearance.

Appointments Until 8pm & on Saturdays!

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